Thursday 19 February 2015

How To Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO

Content is the KING for SEO and keywords play an essential part of SEO. Keywords are nothing but the search terms that people use on various search engines to search the topics related to those keywords. We often spend too much time for optimizing our blog post for search engine. Using effective keywords is a successful part of blog optimization. Search engine crawlers crawl your content and keywords from your blog posts and they tells the search engine about your posts on your blogs. We commonly speak about search engine ranking and this ranking depends upon the content you use in your posts. To get good ranking on search engines, first you need to know How to build good content for search engines?

Here is a clear explanation for SEO below. Read every line without missing anything.

SEO Optimize Blogger Posts For Higher Search Result

seo keyword

Choose Your Keywords :

When content is the "KING" let's say keywords as "QUEEN". Yes, that's true. As every SEO analyst says that content is the KING of SEO, now let's talk about the QUEEN :p sorry, keywords. Before writing any post you need to check for keywords using any keyword checker tool, and you have to choose strong keywords for your blog posts. I suggest you to use Google AdWords tool for keyword research. You have to look for the competition between those keywords and shortlist some of them. Here you need to select the keywords with less competition because they help you in getting good page rank in search results. 

Use Keywords In Your Post Title :

I have already discussed about SEO Title Tag Best Practices.
After deciding the keywords for your blog, the next step is to use those keywords in your blog posts efficiently to make the most out of them. Start with the post title, use your keyword or keyword phrases in your post’s title. Remember post titles stays first to be crawled by search engines, hence use keyword or keyword phrases in your post titles so that they will tell the search engines what exactly the post is about.

Read More :- 

Use Keywords In Headings And Sub-Headings: 

Headings and sub-headings play an important role for SEO. Don't neglect headings in your posts. Write headings in your posts whenever it is necessary. For example when we read something on a newspaper or a website we are mostly satisfied to read the content that is separated by paragraphs with neat sub headings between. We prefer reading the text with sub headings and small paragraphs rather than long paragraphs. Similarly the search engines also look for the same. Don't you think of writing an article with headings and sub headings so that they could attract search engines? Yes, that would be great. So we need to write great content with strong keywords making use of headings. This can be done by <h2> and <h3> tags for headings and sub headings. Don't forget to use keywords within these tags because it will add more benefits to attract search engines. 

Use Keywords In Anchor Tag:

We know that anchor tags are used for links. But it is also much good to know that anchor tags will help you for SEO. Try using your keywords within the anchor tags. Search engines mostly prefer anchor tags than simple text. Hence try using your keywords with anchor tags to improve your blog ranking for search engines. 

Use Keywords In ALT Tag:

Try using images with alt tags. Search engines don't have the capability of reading an image but it can read alt tags. So to describe the intention of an image we can use alt tags with keywords. 

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