Friday 20 February 2015

How To Add SEO Meta Tags in Blogger

SEO Meta tags are very important for any blog so we give you how to ADD SEO Meta Tags Title, Description and Keywords in Blogger. Meta tags give all about documents and crawl by Google crawler in their search engine. Meta tags not display on the page but its show in search engine results of your website. Meta elements are show page description, keywords, author, author email and other metadata. Google bots read Meta tags of blog and give this information to Google search engine to show your website in Search Engine results Pages

SEO Meta Tags

ADD SEO Meta Tags in Blogger

Meta Description

Blog description is small description about your blog. Your Blog description should be in 160 characters. This is best to fit in Google Search Results.


How To Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO

SEO Tips for Beginners

Meta Keywords

Keywords should be related with your blog post content to get more and more traffic on your blog form Search Engines. This is one of the basic requirement of SEO. Your Blog keywords must be with in 256 Characters. All Search Engines including Google, Yahoo will crawl your keywords automatically from Meta Tags which have added in your blog template.

How To Add Meta Tags in Blogger Steps :- 

Step 1.

Login to Blogger --> Go to Dashboard -->  Template --> Edit Html

Step 2. 

Go to <head> section in Template. You can search this from Ctrl+F

Step 3. 

After <head> section put following code in your template.

 <meta content='Your Blog Description' name='description'/>
 <meta content='Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword3' name='keywords'/>
 <meta content='Author Name' name='Author'/>
 <meta content='Author Email Address' name='Email'/>
 <meta content='all' name='robots'/>
 <meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
 <meta content='Language Name' name='language'/>
 <meta content='Country Name' name='country'/>
 <meta content='blogger' name='generator'/>

Step 4

Now Simply Replace your original data to demo data as your need

Step 5

Now Click on Save Template and you are done!

if you need any help feel free to ask in comment boxx!!

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