Wednesday 26 November 2014

Facebook Latest Bug Suggest Friends To Themselves Using Facebook Social ToolKit

Make Fool Your Friends By Using Facebook Social Toolkit!

We are all in a Generation where facebook uses are too much it has become a part of our day to day life

Most of Peoples Known That You Can Only Suggest Your Friends To Other Friends, But You Can Not Suggest Themselves

So let us say what we got for you all. What will be it like to get a friend request from yourself on facebook?! ?! It sounds interesting right. yeah!

And the most entertaining part is that your friends will start to think that someone may have created their fake account or someone may have succeeded to hack their account. Your friends will go crazy when they will see that you suggested them to their own account. We are pretty much sure that this trick will make your friends think that their facebook profile is now hacked or the facebook is going crazy.

You Need To Download Facebook Social Toolkit Which was Made By Mr.Dinesh Bhosale

Enjoy it =D and share with your friends!

  • This is just a prank and won’t end up getting you a ban from facebook. Don’t Worry. POINTS TO BE NOTED:-

#1 :- This will does not creat any harm neither to your nor to your friends

#2 :- You can suggest your friends to themseleves without getting any banned

#3 :- Free and Spam Free :

#4 :- Best One Their is some Paid Tools in Facebook Social Toolkit But You can use this paid tool for sometimes by entering this TEST KEY! :-  testkeyforall

  • Steps to suggest your friends to themselves

#1 :- Install Facebook social toolkit chrome extension from chrome web store.

#2 :- Start Facebook Social Toolkit chrome extension.

#3 :- Click on suggest friends to themself button (as shown in the screenshot)


  • For more info watch the video carefully.

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