Wednesday 8 October 2014

Facebook Auto Group Adder Working Script 2015

How to add All Friends In One Clicks =D

  1. open your group
  2. open console(right click inspect element then console)
  3. Click Here To Download Script   copy the script
  4. paste in console 
  5. In 2-3 minutes it will done

Don't Know Where is Console Tab?


Here is some steps to Open Console In Different Browsers!

  • For Google Chrome
Press F12 Button Then Something Open Like This :-

it's done

  • Now Mozilla Firefox

Open Mozilaa Firefox Then  Open Group Where you want to add all your Friends!


Now Console Box Will be Opened

Then Paste Code In to Console Box and Wait 2-3 Minutes 

It's done!

if you have any problems You can comment here :-)

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