Thursday 30 October 2014

10 Facts About Bill Gates You Didn’t Know…


1-Full Name

Bill Gates' full name is Willian Henry Gates |||

2- Nickname

Bill Gates’ kids often tease him by singing the song ‘Billionaire’ by Bruno Mars and Travis McCoy.

3- First Computer Program

The first computer program that Bill Gates wrote was a tic-tac-toe game. The game was played in a 2 player format where the computer was the opponent.

4- Education

Bill Gates never graduated from college, instead founding Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen in 1975. He was just 20 years old when he founded Microsoft.

5- Man of His Word

Bill Gates is known to keep his word. In school he bragged to his teachers that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 30. Not only did he keep his word but he was a billionaire by 31.

6- Riches

If Bill Gates was a country; he would be the 37th richest country on earth! Face that he is one of the richest persons in the world is not unknown but Bill Gates stood at number one position on the Forbes list from 1995 to 2009 – except in 2008 where he was pushed to number 3. He continues to hold second place to Carlos Slim 2010 onwards.

7- Earnings

Bill Gates earns nearly 250 US Dollars every second. That’s about 20 million dollars a day and 7.2 Billion dollars a year! Bill Gates can pay off the entire United States debt in less than 10 years.

8- Social Networking

Bill Gates is very active on Twitter but not on Facebook, despite Mark Zuckerberg and he reportedly getting along well. The main reason he cites for his absence from the social network? “The friend requests got out of hand…

9- Riches to Rags

And here comes the clincher: If Microsoft Windows’ users can claim just 1 dollar for every time their computers hang because of Microsoft Windows, Bill Gates will be bankrupt in 3 days!

10- Travels

Bill Gates loves travelling and visits India almost every year for the upliftment of the poor!


10 Incredible Facts About India’s Mars Mission That Will Make You Super Proud!

Early in the morning, while most of us were probably in our beds, history was created as India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (M.O.M.) successfully entered the orbit of the red planet. The I.S.R.O. pulled off an incredible feat of frugal engineering and helped us join an elite club of space-faring nations to have accomplished this stellar feat.

The internet has been abuzz and congratulations have been pouring in. Here are a few facts about the mission which every Indian would be proud of.

1. India is the first country in the world to have succeeded in putting a probe into Mars’ orbit in the very first attempt.

2. This is, hands down, the most cost effective Mars Mission to have ever been undertaken.

The Mangalyaan Mission cost $ 74 million. The recent Hollywood space adventure movie “Gravity” cost about a $ 100 million to make.

3. On an average, every Indian has probably contributed about Rs. 5 per person towards the mission.

So pat yourselves on the back.

4. At Rs 450 Crore for 780 Million km, the mission cost about Rs 5.77 per km. That is cheaper than what many auto-rickshaws charge in the country.

5. N.A.S.A. took 5 years to complete its “Maven” Mars Orbiter. The I.S.R.O. took just 15 months to complete Mangalyaan.

6. They even managed to make it weigh about 1,350 kilograms. That’s less than your average S.U.V.

7. The odds were stacked against us. Of the 51 Mars missions attempted across the world so far, only 21 have succeeded. But we nailed it. 

Click Here To Watch Video :- Video - 1

8. India will join the U.S, Europe and Russia in an elite group of countries to have successfully undertaken a mission to Mars.

9. The success of the mission will solidify India’s reputation as a competent and low cost base for sophisticated engineering.

10. And by the way, this happened. Awesomeness! 

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Did you know! Top 23 Facts of The Internet

Did you know....!

Top 23 Facts of Internet!

1) Domain registration was free until the National Science Foundation decided to change this on         September 14th, 1995.

2) One million domain names are registered every month!!!

3) In the 1950s computers were commonly referred to as "electronic brains".

4) Lenovo stands for "new legend" . It's an amalgamation of the words "Le" for Legend and "novo" for new.

5) It is impossible to create a folder with the name "con" of "Con" on any Microsoft operating system.

6) Intel's first microprocessor the 4004 was originally meant to be a pocket calculator.

7) The name 'worm' appeared in the 1970 movie 'Shockwave Rider' to describe a program that propagates itself through a computer network.

Estimates suggest as much as 50 percent of the power used in desktop PCs is wasted as heat and expelled through fans on the power supply.

9) All the three founders of Apple Inc - Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne - worked at Atari before creating Apple.

10) Did you know that was the first ever domain name registered online?

11) The first successful high level programming language, IBM FORTRAN was developed in 1954.

12) The first ever search engine was called "Archie" and was created way back in 1990 by a Canadian student Alan Emtage.

13) More than a billion transistors are manufactured.....every second!!!!!!!!

14) In 1982, Andrew Fluegelman created the first ever shareware, known as PC-Talk. It was a communications software.

15) Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the first subscriber to India's first private ISP, Satyam Infoway.

16) Google earns 97per cent of its revenues from advertising alone.

17) If Youtube was Hollywood, they have enough material to release 60,000 new films every week!!!!

18) Lynx was the first web browser to be released in 1993. Opera and Netscape followed soon after in 1994.

19) Sony's VAIO stands for 'Video Audio Integrated Operation'

20) Stewardressess - the longest word you can type with your left hand using the usual two-handed typing method.

21) The first product to have a bar code on its package was Wrigleys chewing gum.

22) Infosys was the first Indian company to release its annual report in CD-ROM format.

23) The first web site was built at CERN.

Top 10 Facts about Wikipedia!

 Top 9 Facts about Wikipedia :

Wkipedia is started in January 2001. Jimmy Donal is the co- founder and promoter of Wikipedia.

  •  Wikipedia is non-profit organization. 
  •  In wikipedia anyone can sign up and become a wikipedia editor.
  •  In wikipedia articles are available in over 285 languages.
  •  The English language Wikipedia has more than 3+ million articles.
  •  In wikipedia there are only 35 Employees.
  • Wikipedia headquarters located in San Francisco.
  •  The Wikipedia servers are hosted in Florida.
  •  Wikipedia site has more than 684 million page views each year.
  •  Wikipedia contributers have written more than 22 million articles.
  •  Wikipedia is the only site who does not have ads!

RespectWikipedia And Share

Monday 27 October 2014

YouTube Tricks, Tips & Secret Features You Might Have Missed!!

YouTube, the extremely popular video sharing website averaging more than 3 billion page views per day needs no introduction to its fans who spend a considerable amount of their time watching and sharing videos on it. While most of these users know every nook and corner of this website, there are some features that are hidden deep within, in a manner that only few of the most experienced users seem to know about them. This article contains some such features, tips and tricks.

  • YouTube MySpeed 
Are YouTube videos taking too much time toload on your internet connection? Visit the YouTube MySpeed page to find your video streaming speed and compare it with the average speed of your ISP, your city, your state, your country and the world.

  • YouTube Disco

YouTube is all set to replace your music players with YouTube Disco. This music discovery project allows you to find the videos of your choice, create a list of them and then easily watch them without having the need to choose a new video after the one you are watching is finished.

  • YouTube Editor

Do you edit your videos before uploading them to YouTube? Now, you don't need to because it lets you to do all of that online with YouTube Editor; well not all of that but it at least lets you combine, trim and rotate videos. The best part about YouTube Editor is that it allows you to find copyright free music that you can add to your videos. It also offers some comparably advanced features like stabilizing shaky videos and inserting transitions.

  • YouTube TV

YouTube lets you watch the videos of your choice but have you ever wanted to just sit back and enjoy watching videos just like you watch television? If you have, then YouTube TV can be of help. YouTube TV plays high quality full screen videos tailored to your choices (if you are signed in to your Google account). If you are not signed in, you can choose a category to watch videos from, watch featured videos and even search for the video of your choice. You can then connect your TV to your computer to seamlessly enjoy TV, YouTube style.

  • Set Default Video Playback Quality

Are you annoyed at manually changing the quality of every YouTube video you watch? Now you don't need to, because YouTube has an option that automatically lets you select the quality of videos you see. If you have a slow connection, you can select the option of never playing high quality videos. You can also select the option of showing captions and annotations automatically.

  • Link to a specific time in a video

If you want to link to a video at a specific time, you can add #t=XXs to the URL where XX is a variable which represents the number of seconds after which the video will start.

  • Play videos in slow motion

Press the space bar while a video is being played to play it in slow motion.

  • YouTube Live

Ever wanted to broadcast your videos live on the internet? YouTube Live lets you do just that. YouTube Live supports larger production than Hangouts on Air. However, to broadcast videos live, your channel must be in good standing.

Broadcast live events on YouTube

  • Create a feed of almost anything on YouTube
Just go to the YouTube Data API page and build a custom feed for yourself. However, there is a problem with the URI generated for specific categories as "{ schemas/ 2007/}" is also added to it. Remove this and the URI is good to go.

  • Find out what is popular on YouTube
Want to find the best videos on YouTube? Use Popular on Youtube channel to find what other users are watching, discussing and favoring. You can select a particular category to determine the best videos in that particular category. You also have the option to play all the videos that are popular right now.

  • Legally Watch Full Length Movies and TV Shows on YouTube
YouTube has a dedicated page to allow users to watch full-length ad supported movies for free. Movies are classified based on their genre and are offered in full HD quality. Movies are uploaded by the creators for the purpose of creating another source of revenue for themselves as Google gives them a portion of the advertising revenue. A similar page exists for TV shows. These two pages are country specific and may or may not be available in your country.

  • YouTube Easter eggs

  • For Star Wars and Star Trek fans
If you are a Star Wars fan, then there is some good news for you. YouTube has an easter egg just for you guys. Search YouTube for "use the force, Luke" to warp your screen. Star Trek fans need not be disappointed as there is an easter egg for them as well. Searching YouTube for "Beam me up, Scotty" reveals it.

  • YouTube Snakes Easter egg
You can play the classic Snakes game while watching any video in your browser. Just pause a video, hold the left arrow key for 2 seconds and while still holding it, press the Up arrow key. This only works in the new YouTube player on videos played on

  • Do the Harlem shake
Search YouTube for "do the Harlem shake" and the entire page will shake violently with the song "Harlem Shake" by Baauer being played in the background.

Sunday 26 October 2014

How To Recover Deleted Files!

Many times this happen with us that accidently any file is deletes and we dont have any choice to recover it..
This really frustrate us and leave in crirical condition.

But now we provide very useful information by which you can recover your all deleted data or files.

Yes.. Its true and many peoples taking benefit of this function.

How To Recover Deleted Files:-

"Recuva" is a software by which we can recover all deleted files very easily.

Accidentally deleted an important file? Lost something important when your computer crashed? 

No problem! 

Recuva recovers files deleted from your Windows computer, Recycle Bin, digital camera card, or MP3 player.

By using this software we can recover,
  • -Pictures 
  • -Music 
  • -Documents 
  • -Video 
  • -Compressed 
  • -Emails

Most important thing of this software is "Its Free"

We just have to download this software and install, after that rest all work done automatically.

How To Hack Website!


I am going to tell you a method for hacking Websites.
So i will to explain in such a way so that noobs can also understand this.
I will Suggest you to try to practice hacking manually not by tools Because tools will not make your skills to go high. But if you are a lazy guyz then use tools :D

First Download WebCruiser Scanner

Download Link:

Then You will need a target that you want to hack, which  you can use Google dorks to find vulnerable websites,

I will not share google dorks with you as there are thousands of Google dorks
 which you can find from google

  I found my vulnerable website:


Let's open WebCruiser Scanner and check if the target is Vulnerable or not?

Then Scan the Site:

Then Waite for some time so that the scanner can give you the result:

As we can see the website is vulnerable to Sql injection & XSS.
Now We will perform a SQL injection .
[#] AttackRight click on the vulnerable url and then SQL INJECTION POC , now you
just follow my steps below. 






that's all done!


Saturday 25 October 2014

Free Download Clone Fiverrscript V2.7 + V3.7

Some features:

Start Your Own Micro Jobs Website
Create your own highly profitable micro jobs website today using Fiverr Script!

PayPal & AlertPay
Buyers can pay using paypal or alertpay.

Secure Code
Secure, powerful, flexible and reliable PHP Fiverr Clone.

Fiverr Script is loaded with ajax instant technology features.

Unlimited new languages can be added to Fiverr Script, the #1 Fiverr Clone.

Video Module
Allow users to play videos directly on your website now using the video module!
(check sales page for full list of features)

Windows Password Change Without Knowing Old One

Readers today I am going to tell you a trick to change windows password without knowing it. As you all know without knowing the old password we are unable to change it but by following the few  steps given below will help you to change it easily. This trick works for Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8. 

Procedure For Changing Windows Password Without Knowing Old

Step 1:

Start Menu > Computer > Right Click > Manage
Step 2 :

System Tool > Local User and Group
Step 3 :

Double Click on User  (exp. your  Pc Name )

Step 4 :

 Chose User > Right Click on It > Set Password
Step 5 :

Click on Proceed button
Step 6 :

Then Set your New Password

Wednesday 22 October 2014

ESET Smart Security 7.0.317.4 with TNod 1.4 .2.3 FINAL

ESET Smart Security is the first representative of a new approach to truly integrated computer security. It utilizes the speed and precision of ESET NOD32 Antivirus, which is guaranteed by the most recent version of the ThreatSense scanning engine, combined with the tailor‑made Personal firewall and Antispam modules. The result is an intelligent system that is constantly on alert for attacks and malicious software endangering your computer.

ESET Smart Security is not a clumsy conglomerate of various products in one package, as offered by other vendors. It is the result of a long‑term effort to combine maximum protection with minimum system footprint. The advanced technologies, based on artificial intelligence, are capable of proactively eliminating infiltration by viruses, spyware, trojan horses, worms, adware, rootkits, and other Internet‑borne attacks without hindering system performance or disrupting your computer.

ESET Smart Security delivers proactive protection against new attacks during the critical hours when other vendors' products are not aware a new attack even exists. ESET Smart Security also blocks spam and includes a personal two-way firewall.

Features of ESET Smart Security 7.0.317.4 :

• Smarter Scanner – Threats don't always enter in ways you expect. ESET Smart Security inspects SSL-encrypted communication channels like HTTPS and POP3S, and intelligently scans compressed files to find threats that other products miss. ESET's Smart Optimization feature makes file scanning faster than ever.

• Time-saving Firewall – New Learning Mode saves time by automatically creating firewall rules by observing how end users use the network, while offering advanced firewall modes for power users. Pair customized firewall profiles with trusted network zones and have appropriate firewall rules applied automatically based on detected network presence.

• Trusted Zone Authentication – Identify trusted network zones by network configurations (a configurable combination of host/DNS/DHCP server IP address, wireless SSID, connection profile, etc) or securely authenticate into a network using ESET Authentication Server.

• Upgraded Antispam – ESET Smart Security now takes care of annoying spam with a smaller, faster, and even more effective spam filter.

• Removable Media Security – Threats can enter your PC from removable media such as USB thumb drives. For self-running media, ESET Smart Security scans autorun.inf and associated files when the medium is inserted, in addition to scanning any file on any removable device when it is accessed, or during a full-scan of the media.

• System Tools – ESET SysInspector and ESET SysRescue simplify diagnosing and cleaning of infected systems by allowing deep scans of system processes to find hidden threats, and creating bootable rescue CD/DVD or USB drives to help you repair an infected computer.

• Self Defense – ESET Smart Security has built-in technology to prevent malicious software from corrupting or disabling it, so you can rest assured your system is always protected.

What's New in ESET Smart Security 7.0 :

• Antivirus improvements
- The removable media blocking module used in versions 5 and 6 of ESET products has been replaced with a more advanced Device control module. Device control allows you to scan, block or adjust extended filters and permissions and select how users can access and work with devices including disk storage, CD/DVD-ROM and FireWire storage devices.
• HIPS improvements
- The updated HIPS module In ESET Smart Security 7 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 7 includes the Advanced memory scanner, which is designed to strengthen the protection against modern malware. In an effort to evade detection, malware writers extensively use file obfuscation or/and encryption.
• Firewall improvements
- ESET Smart Security 7 now includes the Vulnerability shield extension of firewall that improves detection of known vulnerabilities on the network level.
• Anti-phishing improvements
- Anti-phishing in ESET Smart Security 7 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 7 includes improved blocking of scam websites with questionable reputations or that include potentially unwanted content.
• Submission of files and websites for analysis to ESET
- Enhancements to the Submit a sample for analysis feature allow users to categorize the URL of a Suspicious site as possibly infected, phishing or scam. Users can also submit a False positive site if a secure website is being blocked for no reason or for incorrect reasons.
• Changes in MSI installation
- ESET Smart Security 7 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 7 include improved speed and reliability of installation and a modified user interface when installing offline. The automatic initial scan will run 20 minutes after installation or restart to scan a computer for malware.
• Improved compatibility
- ESET Smart Security 7 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 7 including ESET SysRescue and notifications in Metro UI are fully functional on Windows 8.

Install Notes:

- Uninstall any Previous Version including any previous cracks & Reboot
- Install ESET Nod32 Smart Security for your OS (i.e x32 or x64)
- Disable ESET Nod32 Smart Security Protection for 10 minutes
- Unpack TNod and install
- Add Exclusions In ESET Nod32 Smart Security for the following:

*TNod User & Password Finder install Directory (normaly C:/Program Files/TNod User & Password Finder)
*TNODUP.exe (inside the install directory)
*unibst-tnod (inside the install directory)

Get a free .Tk Domain

This article will help you to get a free .tk domain. The .tk domain is provided by a company (.tk is a geographical level domain). Here, you can also get it freely. This trick help you to make a redirection url like This trick helps you to get rid of those, domains. Once you get a .tk domain and when one access that url,he/she will be taken to the website you have assigned for redirection. Or in short when you go to, you will be taken to your website. Or .tk can help you and your users to access your website(as I said above those etc) through an alternate way. So just follow these steps and share your free .tk domain and let visitors visit your blog or any subdomain blogs.
Go to - Click Here (DotTk)

Search for the availability of the required domain name

If its available you will be taken to a page like this
(the given below name is only for demonstration purpose)

In the option ‘forward this domain to’ under ‘use your new domain’(first option ,see above image), give the url of your .blogspot or any other long url(most probably your websites url). You can also assign a DNS for your domain.
(This step is inevitable other wise there is no use with your domain). For example consider that my blog address is ( While registering for a .tk domain I will give this url for forwarding (step 4,let the registered domain name be . Once created, when someone goes to, they will be taken to so they don’t need to type full URL

Then you will get a confirmation mail. Click on that link and type the code you got in the mail(recommended to activate your account) 

 Once done you can login to your account to use their apps and other functionalities

How To Secure Your Facebook Account

99% Facebook Account Hack Through Email Account

Hello Besthacking Readers Today i will tell you how to secure your Facebook Account.

If you make your Facebook account with Gmail Account then secure your gmail account in my previous post check how to secure your gmail account.. if your Gmail account secure it means your facebook account 70% already secured.. In this post i will show you in pics How to secure your Facebook account...

1st step:-

Go to Security setting

Then Change your login notifications setting

Now Set Your Privacy Settings

Do not show Your Email Address to Anyone ....

Do not Use Your Password In common Words..

Like LoveYou-Jaimatadi-Bf Name-Gf Name....

Use Password Like



Vry Strong Passwords Like


Command Prompt Tricks, Hacks & Codes

Command Prompt is one of the most powerful tools in Windows; but sadly, it is also the most ignored one. Things were not always like this; but with the advent of GUI based operating systems, people started feeling that computing through command based tools was boring. This ultimately lead the command prompt into obscurity. 

However, the command prompt is not useless. In fact, it can be pretty useful. This article provides some excellent tricks, secrets and hacks that will make you realize that the Windows Command Prompt is not only useful but also a tool that you should definitely give more respect to.

1-Watch ASCII version of the Star Wars Episode IV movie
Surprised yet? You can watch an ASCII version of the full Star Wars Episode IV Movie right in your command prompt window. Just open command prompt, type a small code and the movie will start playing immediately. Read the complete instructions here. 

2- Create Matrix falling code effect
Have you watched “The Matrix”? Of course, you have. Then, you already know what I am talking about. In case you still don't know what I mean, take a look at this image! You can create the same effect in command prompt using just a few lines of code. Head over to this post for instructions.

3- Make Folders that you cannot delete

Are you tired of accidentally deleting important folders? Well, if you are, you can learn how to make undeletable folders here.

4- Shutdown your computer giving a funny reason

What if your computer shuts down saying that it is tired and doesn't want to work anymore? It would be fun, wouldn't it? You can do so by reading the instructions here.

5- Know your IP address, DNS Server's address and a lot more about your Internet Connection

Command Prompt can even let you know your IP address. Just type ipconfig/ all in the command prompt and press Enter. Along with your IP address and DNS servers, command prompt will also return a ton of information like your host name, primary DNS suffix, node type, whether IP Routing ,Wins Proxy, and DHCP are enabled, your network adapter's description, your physical (MAC) address etc . 

6- Know if your neighbours are stealing your WiFi connection

command prompt codesCommand Prompt can let you know if someone is connected to your Local Area Connection and using it. Just follow the steps:- 
1) Open your browser and visit or depending on your router. 
2) Find the tab that mentions “Attached Devices” or something similar.
3) Find the computer name, IP address and MAC Address (sometimes called Physical Address or Hardware Address) of your computer using the previous trick.
4 )Compare it with those displayed by your router in Step 2. If you notice some strange devices, then your neighbour has been sneaking in on your internet connection and it is best to add a password.

7- Know if someone is hacking your computer/ Trace a Hacker

Command Prompt hacksWant to know if someone is hacking your computer? Command Prompt can help you find if someone you don't know is connected to your computer stealing private data. Just execute netstat -a and the command prompt will return a list of computers that your computer is connected to. In the results returned, Proto column gives the type of data transmission taking place (TCP or UDP) , Local address column gives the port with which your computer is connected to an external computer and the Foreign Address column gives the external computer you are connected to along with the port being used for the connection. State gives the state of the connection (whether a connection is actually established, or waiting for transmission or is “Timed Out”).

Tuesday 21 October 2014

How To Use a Trial Software Forever

trial soft

How to use a trial software if it's trial period is expired

So when they uninstall the software it doesn't uninstall properly/completely from you'r computer/laptop.


1) OpenRUN(Windows key + R) and type regedit and hit Enter.

2) Now Registry Editor Window will appear and here navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \" Your Software name from left pane of this window. If you find any Key name with your software name then just Delete that Key. Now navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \" Your Software name and if you find any key with your software name then just Delete it and close the Registry Editor window.

3) Again go to RUN and type "%temp%" and hit Enter. Now Delete all the things in that folder. Don’t worry these are the temporary files and not necessary for your operating system.

4) Now go to "C:\Users\your username here\AppData". Under AppData open all three folders "Local", "Local Low" and "Roaming”and check under these three folders if you find any folder or anything with your Software's name, just delete it.

5) Now Restart your PC and (software uninstall completely)


7) Install the expired software and you can use it again for trial period.

Monday 20 October 2014

Easy Way to Earn Money From Clixsense

Clixsense is the one of the leading marketing site for customers and advertisers which pay you not less than 0.01 to 1$ per click by just view the providing advertisements in your account so guys You can earn anything from $ 0.01 percent to $ 5.00 by browsing web pages of advertisers on the network for 30 seconds at a time. This is 100% free and no cost to you. In Order to make 50$ from clixsense it takes 15 minutes time to complete the task and this thing you have to repeat the same for atlest one month and also make sure that you must invite your Referrals because for more referrals you invite they will pay you  0.01 to 2$ from each referrals so make sure that refer more friends from your account.

First and simplest way to win

First click here to join : CLIXSENSE.
You can earn anything from $ 0.01 to $ 5.00 percent , browsing web pages of advertisers on the network for 30 seconds at a time . This is 100 % free and no cost to you.
You have the option to upgrade to Premium Member and earn more at a cost of $ 17.00 per year, but up to you. I have been a premium user for 4 years and are willing to do .

Second, and only slightly more complicated way

Refer your friends or other people on the site to do the same , like what I'm doing right now . This way you can earn 100 times more and even earn a living from it .

This is what you can win:

Receive - (Premium Member no) $ 0.01 for each referral and will receive $ 2.00 if their direct referral upgrades to a Premium account for free members. You also receive 10 % of revenues generated from the announcement of the purchase of your referrals .
Premium Members affiliate commissions 8 levels deep are paid !
Premium Member - You are instantly paid $ 0.10 for each new referral . When one of your direct referrals upgrades to a Premium Account Your membership instantly pays you $ 2.00 per member Upgrade That s . ( You are paid commissions on any That member also click ads) That member refers a new member when you upgrade to the premium paid instantly override a commission of $ 1.00 . You just got paid for doing nothing ! Even better, that same scenario pays eight levels deep!
SO Join free in clixsense premium account: JOIN NOW.
So friends if your are waiting for a Parttime Job  so it the best to earn money

Friday 10 October 2014

How To Wipe Data and Factory Reset Your Android Phone When You Forget Pattern Lock or Password.

Android phone or tablets we use and some time we forget password or pattern lock and we unable to reset password via email id or password because net is disable and now we needs to perform a factory reset. It’s also known as Hard Reset.

Why we need hard reset or factory reset

Some time our android device not work and not starting and you forget your pattern lock or password  and you are unable to reset password in this some type condition we can try factory reset / hard rest but remainder in factory reset your mobile all data will be delete and you can’t recall or undo data.

How to Factory reset android phone or device?

  • 1.      Switch off you android phone or device if you are unable to switch off your device remove battery and insert again.

  • 2.      Now press Volume up button + power button (long press together both button) till android error logo come. If you have hard push home button then press 3 keys volume up button + home button + power button.

3.      Now press home button if by using home button you not find any menu press power button
After this process a menu will be open. You will find some option in menu as below given.

Android system recovery (3e)

Volume up\down to move highlight enter button to select

Menu looks like as below given

Reboot system now
Apply update from ADB
Apply update from sd card
Apply update from cach
Wipe data/factory reset
Wipe cach partition
Backup user data
Restore user data

Select wipe data/factory rest option

Yes---delete all user data
By using Volume up/down to move highlight menu option then press enter button to select.

4.      Select Wipe data/factory reset option by using volume up/down button and select this by pressing enter button/menu button.

5.      Now it will ask you conform wipe of all user data select “yes—delete all user data” and press enter button.

6.      After some time again above menu will be show now select reboot your system now option.

Finally you have done it now you system will on as it’s on in first time when you buy you device.